International Cooperation for Strengthening Climatological and Meteorological Infrastructure and Services

Climate change adds a level of difficulty at county development. National Adaptation Plans and efficient mitigation measures require good knowledge of local and regional climate and adequate monitoring. This implies strengthened observation networks, better education and training tools for climate specialist but also for key sectorial users and developed tools for climate services improvement. Thematic networks for water, meteorology and climate and international initiatives as IDRA will be also shown their potential. Those objectives will be reached through international collaboration in UN initiatives where Spain has a long tradition or is a newcomer


Jose Luis Camacho / AEMET


  • Filipe Lucio / Director Cooperation and Partnership / WMO
  • André Kamga / DG ACMAD
  • Simplife Tchinda Tazo/ DG DMN Camerún
  • Oksana Tarasova / WMO Swityerland

Live View

You can follow the broadcast of the event on the YouTube channel.

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