Energy in industrial decarbonisation: renewables and hydrogen
The industrial sector represents approximately 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the IPCC’s AR6 Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report. Industrial decarbonisation is fundamental to accomplish the climate goals set in the Paris agreement, and an effective phase-out from fossil fuels needs to take place. The deployment of renewable energy and other energy vectors will enable this process. In particular, vectors such as renewable hydrogen and biogas, together with other storage technologies, will become essential for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries, which are embedded in many strategic value chains.
The European Union, and in particular Spain, are very well positioned for the development of these technologies, which are not only beneficial from an environmental perspective, but also bring along great economic opportunities. The strong commitment of Spain with the deployment of renewable energy, reflected in the latest update of its NECP, has led to lower energy prices which attract investment and boost the competitiveness of those firms established in Spanish territory. This commitment also extends to vectors like renewable hydrogen; Spain invested €1,5 billion from the Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE), which mobilised €2,8 billion of private investment, to foster renewable hydrogen deployment.
The challenges and opportunities surrounding the energy transition go beyond borders, and those of industrial decarbonisation are no exception. In this context, public-private cooperation and international alliances gain importance as a key factor for success in the ultimate goal of accomplishing climate neutrality. Projects like the H2Med, which will transport 2 Mt of hydrogen per year by 2030, or the signature of Memorandums of Understanding, such as the one signed between Spain and the Netherlands, will be a basic element for the effective development of these technologies.
In this event, participants will explore the challenges that the decarbonisation of industry poses, as well as the potential of solutions like electrification or use of energy vectors for those industries hard to decarbonise, and the positive economic impact that these technologies may generate. Participants will have the chance to listen to successful cases of industrial decarbonisation from main actors in the Spanish industry, and to gain understanding on the importance of partnerships and cooperation in fostering the development of these key technologies.
- Lara Lázaro (Elcano Royal Institute)
- Joan Groizard (IDAE)
Initial Remarks
- Sara Aagesen / Secretary of State for Energy of the Government of Spain
Presentation of Cases
- Maarten Wetselaar / Cepsa
- Sonia Thimmiah / Heineken
Roundtable 1:
- Sonia Thimmiah / Heineken
- David Redoli / Solaria
- Carlos Barrasa / Cepsa
- Luis Cabrera / ANESE
Roundtable 2:
- Roland Roesch / IRENA
- Cristina Lobillo / DG ENER Comission
- Joan Batalla / Sedigas